This privacy policy aims to explain to you why we collect your data and how we are committed to protecting it.
LES DETECTEURS is committed to protecting your personal data and your privacy.
As such, and in application of the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”), we inform you below of the conditions under which your personal data is to be processed by us.

What personal data do we process?

We may collect and store your personal data, in particular to: Process and respond to your messages, Create and manage access to your accounts, Receive and process your order, Manage your subscriptions to our newsletters, Establish and monitor the commercial relationship that may result from your messages, Write a review/comment published on the site, Collect your payment, Ensure accounting and management, Improve our monitoring and customer service, Manage the proper functioning and personalization of services, Send you commercial and advertising information according to your preferences, Detection of attacks and legal recourse against fraud, Memorize your choices regarding the use of cookies, Process and respond to your requests to exercise rights, To meet regulatory requirements in force or in the process of being adopted.

Data categories:

Contact details (name, first name, telephone number, email, address), Personal information (date of birth, nationality), Your preferences, Technical and location information generated as part of the use of our services.

Legal basis for processing

The processing of personal data implemented is based on:

  • Either on the consent of the person concerned (Article 6.1.a of the GDPR) for all processing that requires the prior collection of consent. In online forms, mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk. If the mandatory questions are not answered, we will not be able to provide you with the requested services.
  • Either for the performance of a contract or the performance of pre-contractual measures,
  • Either for the pursuit of a legitimate interest (Article 6.1.e of the GDPR).
  • Either for compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation;

Your data is kept for the duration necessary to fulfill the purposes mentioned above.

The retention period for Customers’ personal data depends on the purpose concerned. In this context, Customers’ personal data is retained for the time necessary to fulfill
their request. In the absence of any fulfillment, personal data is deleted within the time limits recommended by the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (CNIL), after a period of three years from their collection, subject to:

– legal possibilities and obligations regarding archiving,
– obligations to retain certain data, for evidentiary purposes, and/or to anonymize them.

The Client’s personal data collected and processed for the purposes of executing offers are kept
for the duration necessary to manage the contractual relationship.
By way of exception, the personal data required to establish proof of a right or a contract are archived in accordance with legal provisions (5 or 10 years after the end of the commercial relationship as the case may be).

Who are the recipients of your data?

Your personal data is intended for LES DETECTEURS.

Our internal services: They are processed by the staff of our various departments such as the sales department or the department in charge of IT security., Trusted companies or individuals: they process your information for us for the purposes set out above, in accordance with our instructions as described in our Privacy Policy and any other appropriate use cases in terms of confidentiality and security., Technical subcontractors: Personal data concerning you may be transferred to our technical subcontractors (within the meaning of Article 4.8 of the GDPR) in a strictly regulated manner. In the event of a transfer, we ensure that the subcontractors comply with the GDPR and take technical and organizational measures to guarantee data protection (Art. 28 of the GDPR).

Traffic analysis (like  Google Analytics ), Payment provider (like Stripe), Email provider (like MailChimp or Sendgrid), Advertising provider (like Google Ads)

We sometimes need to allow our partners to process, on our behalf, the personal information we hold about you for the purposes set out in this policy or for any other reason required by law.

The personal data of Customers collected is hosted in France.

In the event of use of a service provider located outside the European Union, we undertake to verify that appropriate measures have been put in place so that personal data benefits from an adequate level of protection.

How does LES DETECTEURS keep your data secure?

We implement all organizational and technical measures to ensure an appropriate level of security for your personal data, and in particular to avoid any loss of confidentiality, integrity or accessibility.

We frequently back up data, implement technical and organizational measures to ensure that the storage of Customers’ personal data is secure and this, for the duration necessary to exercise the purposes pursued.

What are your rights over your personal data?

In accordance with the Applicable Regulations, you have the following rights:
A right of rectification  : you have the right to obtain the rectification of inaccurate data concerning you. You also have the right to complete incomplete data concerning you, by providing an additional declaration. In the event of exercising this right, we undertake to communicate any rectification to all recipients of your data,
A right of erasure  : in certain cases, you have the right to obtain the erasure of your data. However, this is not an absolute right and we may, for legal or legitimate reasons, retain this data.
A right to limitation of processing  : in certain cases, you have the right to obtain the limitation of processing on your data,
A right to data portability  : you have the right to receive your data that you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, for your personal use or to transmit them to a third party of your choice. This right only applies when the processing of your data is based on your consent, on a contract or when this processing is carried out by automated means,
A right to object to processing  : you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your data for processing based on our legitimate interest, a mission of public interest and those for commercial prospecting purposes. This is not an absolute right and we may for legal or legitimate reasons refuse your request for opposition,
The right to withdraw your consent at any time  : you can withdraw your consent to the processing of your data when the processing is based on your consent. The withdrawal of consent does not compromise the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent made before this withdrawal,
The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority  : you have the right to contact your data protection authority to complain about our personal data protection practices,
In application of the  GDPR , the conditions for exercising these rights may vary depending on the basis of lawfulness of the processing mentioned in the first paragraph. We will respond to any exercise of rights as soon as possible and in any event within 30 days of receipt of the request.

We reserve the right:

  • To request proof of the applicant’s identity in the event of reasonable doubt about the latter and in order to respect its obligation of confidentiality,
  • To extend the response period by two months, informing the applicant of this extension and the reasons for the postponement within one month of receipt of the request,
  • To refuse to respond to an exercise of rights if it were considered abusive (in view of their number, their repetitive or systematic nature).

Who to contact for all GDPR related requests?

To exercise your rights, you can contact us:


Registered in the Cannes Trade and Companies Register under SIRET number 91812974300012. Address: 84 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt Le Cannet 06110 France Telephone: (+33)

If, despite our efforts and commitments, you feel that your rights regarding your personal data have not been respected, you can submit a complaint to the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties: CNIL 3 Place de Fontenoy TSA 80715 75334 Paris Cedex 07

Reservation of modification of the Data Protection Policy

As we are constantly developing our services, we reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy, in accordance with the legal provisions in force. Any changes will be published on this document in a timely manner. We advise you to regularly consult this page to be aware of any changes or updates made to our privacy policy.

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